всем лицам,
Интернаты для детей с врождёнными и приобретёнными патологиями как индикаторы неблагополучной экологической обстановки в г. Алма-Ате, Казахстан |
Coworkers of the laboratory of palaeobiology, Institute of Zoology, M.D. Biryukov, E.R. Orlovskaya, G.S. Rayushkina, V.V. Kuznetsov have already died from different oncological diseases - Krov' sebe izmenyayu i tak kak khochu? Personal Discrimination Number Two Personal Discrimination Number Three
The Karabastuz locality - no any moral & financial compensation from any of governments - Soviet, Russian, Kazakh ones (80 km to SWW of Semipalatinsk town, Ust'-Kamenogorsk region, Kazakhstan) Who made a photo? Who was sixth member of that field trip? Vladimir Morozov?
I worked in this lab 10 years (1985-1995) - I have been out all lists Keine moralischen oder materialischen Kompensation von kasaсhischen Regierung * E.G. Kordikova, Institute of zoology of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences - 1985-1995 Participation in all international meetings, conferences, congresses, etc. including Postgraduate exams for the Postgraduate Course at the Institute of Paleontology of the Georgian Academy of Sciences (Tbilisi, 1989) during private vacations.
financial tricks and machinations of P.A. Tleuberdina (chief of laboratory of paleontology, Institute of zoology) in 1985 came to healthy problems of all members of the paleontological expedition to the Karabastuz locality (80 km SWW to Semipalatinsk town, Ust'-Kamenogorsk region, Kazakhstan) after July-August of 1985.
too many financial and other machinations of P.A. Tleuberdina have been done to be mentioned (relatives of Mrs. Tleuberdina are members of the present Kazakh's Government)
Personal Discrimination - no any privileges for field works in Kazakhstan Personal Discrimination Number Two Personal Discrimination Number Three
Personal Discrimination Number Four (or One?): Medicine in Kazakhstan who has access to credits (deposits) that can be treated at least in Kazakhstan
Как можно лечить раковые заболевания, проживая в 'раковой' зоне (= в г.Алмате)?! How to treat oncological diseases living in an oncological area?